We are an international non-profit, non-political and secular organization. Plenna exists because the taboo of death and dying creates unnecessary suffering.

Death is often associated with fear, stigma and uncertainty.  It doesn’t have to be.  Planning for the rest of your life can be simple and liberating through getting to grips with worrisome things.  Addressing concerns is reassuring to you and those around you, and enables you to profit more from the rest of your days.


Plenna aims to signpost and bring existing ideas, resources and people together. We look for synergies and ways for people and bodies to complement each other. It is our goal to help people to make better choices and save money.

The world has dramatically changed over the last couple of generations. There are more elderly people, and new patterns of migration and wealth. Also, families are increasingly fragmented. We examine end of life issues for people facing these new circumstances.


Plenna seeks to:


Anyone can make a voluntary contribution to Plenna, which will also seek grants and commissions as it develops.  The organization is based in Switzerland.